Monday, August 30, 2010

found keys

finally talk jor~~
happy si me liao!!
tat feeling better than kena lottery
i have the lesson
i wont those things happen again

Friday, August 27, 2010

Again Buffet =.=

Just come back from TAO v Fishy,May and HuiHui
i gonna laugh si liao!!!
Hui Hui chong ur action is very funny
keep make us get shocking
rmb nxt time eat buffet mz bring xxx
i think 2day we have captured 100 more photo
bcZ of the food + 4 sampat po XP

 this month is 2nd time buffet...
fat again
but i willing to be fat because i wanna meet you

so lucky me
she have work 2day !!!
sumore great to me~~~XDD
now my mood have become better :D
2nite sure cannot sleep
bcoz when i close my eyes for 1 minutes
my mind is full of her...
how can i sleep???

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

not fair
not fair
not fair
not fair
not fair
not fair
not fair
not fair
not fair
not fair
not fair
not fair
not fair
not fair
not fair
not fair
not fair
not fair
not fair
not fair
not fair
not fair
not fair
not fair

same event,same time,same destination...why i get different respond??

both also are friend but why?? izit the face ??
Yes i think so....SO WHAT I M 'YONGSUI',SHORT 
but this is the things U DON'T HAVE

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


每个星期二,我都到 michevil 的家去做。。每次跟她一起都会有好笑的事发生
她外表看起来很文静,其实她还满鸡喳的,只是在熟人的面前 =.=
在做 gym 时,她看到一个欣赏已久的个混血儿
之前还常跟我抱怨,已经很久没看到他做 gym 还说他回外国去
而且我们今天做的 gym 比平时久


paiseh,i lazy to upload so upload 1 nia   >.<
GOD will bless you