Sunday, July 24, 2011


early in the morning,the aunty stay in my apartment
told my dad,that she wan intro women to my daddy,and praise my daddy so young and fit xD
when my daddy are starting car engine 
and i sitting beside my daddy ,WTF
i should not use the rude word
but it really sick,
we have been living this apartment for 18 years
that aunty should knew that my dad IS NOT AVAILABLE
Mummy are not happy about this although she say my daddy so young
i feel funny to mummy and daddy
look at my mum expression
i cant stop laughing
mummy told he,she don't want iron his shirt anymore because wanna give other women to do
i know she is saying气话
so daddy are not taking serious
Muscular daddy & Pretty mummy

Friday, July 22, 2011


Today should be an enjoyable day
but just now around 6 something
i m waiting bus at komtar bus station
after Shan drop me and have tea time with Ev and Yi ling
wait about 10 minutes,my bus are coming
There a lots of people want to sat the bus
and the time are nearing people after work,so people are not queue 
to get in the bus,this i can understand
but some people will take the opportunity to do bad things
i m the lucky person,for that guy
after i get in the bus
then i realize my purse is not in my pocket
for sure my purse is really gone,i check my beg and other pockets
GOSH,it really GONE =(
then got one Indian housewife told me that she saw a Indonesia guy accidentally bump at me,but she don't know he want to did something bad
remember what i wrote just now,because there a lot of people,so
people bump each other ,is very normal
so i did not alert that guy are really accidentally or planed to bump me...
sad to say my purse is gone
i am not care about the money cause inside just left RM3 xD
just those document ,have to redo and have to report to police

Today learned an important lesson
' Always be careful and alert ,even something you done it routinely '

Thanks to my lovely friends and family who care about me =D